Pick one area of your life you would like to change by summer's end. It might be your body, your health, your personality, your environment, your energy level, your parenting skills, your relationships, your finances, your career,your social life, or anything else you might want to transform.
Enter your desired outcome in the comments section of this post, and keep us informed of your progress. If you want to send pictures
of the changes you make throughout the process, email me (transformation4you@gmail.com), and I will include them in this blog.
At the end of the summer, send in a complete record of your accomplishments. Be creative. You can include pictures, reflections, daily and weekly action steps, drawings,
or whatever best represents the changes you have made.
The top success stories will be featured on my
Go to the Summer Transformation Contest page to register
and get more information.
By the end of the summer, I will lose 30 pounds. To do this, I will walk 20 minutes per day, go to the health club a minimum of 2 times per week, eat only when my body is hungry, stop when it has had enough, and drink 6 glasses of water daily. If I think of more things that will be helpful to accomplish my goal, I will add them later. I will also update you on my progress.
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