Thursday, March 13, 2008

Pamper Yourself

Don't forget to pamper yourself while you're working on changing your thoughts and beliefs!
Check out the products at

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What Beliefs Do You Need To Divorce?

Before I divorced them, some of my limiting beliefs included:

  • I'm too old.

  • I'm too much of a dreamer.

  • I'm too scattered.

  • Who am I kidding?

  • It's too late for me.

  • People won't take me seriously.

  • I don't know how to build a website, write an ebook, create a blog, etc.

  • I'm not organized enough.

  • I might fail.

Realizing I never took a vow to love, honor, and obey these abusive thoughts, I've banished them from my life - making space for new and empowering beliefs to take their place. Since I make up my beliefs anyway, they might as well be great ones!!!

What beliefs are holding you back and keeping you from pursuing your dreams?

If they no longer work for you (if they EVER did), it's time for a breakup!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Cool Resources to Jumpstart Your Own Transformation!

Take a look at the following resources, and you will be well on your way to your own personal transformation. With help from Dream Coach University®, The Internet Marketing Center, Simple Truths, Personal Transformations, and Arbonne International, how can you go wrong?






These are all resources I've used as I've dedicated myself to creating the life of my dreams! Check them out, and see for yourself!

You deserve the best,


Enjoy the Present While Creating the Future!

For many of us, the idea of transforming our lives sounds like a fairy tale. It seems like we've been dreaming about that illusive "someday" forever, yet we never actually arrive in "someday land" since we keep projecting further into the future. "When I lose weight, I'll feel good." "When I get married, I'll be happy." "Having children will fulfill me." "When my children get older, I'll have more time." Daydreaming about the future is not bad in itself; however, when we stop enjoying the present because it never matches up to our fantasies, we often become disillusioned. It's possible to take daily action steps toward our dreams while enjoying life to the fullest in the present moment. We can:
  • take a moment before we get out of bed in the morning to stretch, savor the sensation of being alive, and set clear intentions for what we want our day to look like.
  • Check in with ourselves on a regular basis and ask some of these questions . . . What do I need to do for myself in this moment? If I were determined to make the most out of this day, what would I do? What are the sensations in my body right now? What does IT need? What matters most to me today? If I made taking care of myself a priority today, what would I do differently?
  • Find a way to pamper ourselves each day - reading a good book, taking a walk, getting a manicure/pedicure, taking time to enjoy our meals, talking to a friend, writing a letter, journaling, meditating, napping, etc.
  • Learn to enjoy our own company.
  • Dress to please ourselves.
  • At the end of the day, take time for reflection.
Copyright 2008 by Holly Cox

Divorce Your Thoughts If They No Longer Serve You!

Most of us married our beliefs so long ago, we can't even remember how we met in the first place. As infants, our self-esteem was at an all-time high! We crawled around as little tykes totally oblivious to what others thought of our thunder thighs, cellulite, or pudgy tummies. When our needs weren't met, we didn't stop to ask what was wrong with us. We just screamed louder until we got the attention we deserved. When other babies grabbed our toys, we just grabbed them back without wondering what we did to deserve such nasty treatment. We knew we were just fine as we were. Learning to walk, we fell down many times. Never seeing it as a sign of failure or incompetence, we just kept trying over and over again.

Somewhere along the line, we were introduced to a variety of thoughts based on our own interpretations of the world, the opinions of others, and our life experiences. We even started hanging out with some of these thoughts over and over again. "I'm not good enough! " "People won't like me if I disappoint them." "I'm a poor athlete." "I'm bad at math." "Something's wrong with me." "I'll never amount to anything." "Men can't be trusted." "Women are weak." "If I fail at something, I'm a failure." If we hung out with them often enough, they eventually became beliefs; and we ultimately felt married to them.

When we hold on to beliefs that are not true and no longer serve us, we continually press the pause button on our lives. In order to divorce beliefs that no longer serve to enhance our lives, we need to:

  • recognize that thoughts lie.

  • acknowledge that there will always be thoughts available to support any belief - whether positive or negative.

  • understand that what we pay attention to matters.

  • know that we, and we alone, choose, interpret, and arrange our thoughts to back up our beliefs.

  • start hanging out with new, improved beliefs on a regular basis.

(adapted from the ebook "Five Great Tips for Loving the Life You Live and Living the Life You Love" by Holly Cox)

If you're ready to start transforming NOW, visit and find support in creating a belief system that will assist you in making your dreams come true. Don't forget to sign up for your free ebook.

Copyright © 2008 by Holly A. Cox, L.C.P.C., C.D.C.®


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