Monday, January 26, 2009

New Beginnings!

January is the perfect "start-over" month. It marks the beginning of a new year, and we are filled with resolutions, hopes, and dreams. We feel like we once did in school when we started the year off with shiny new notebooks. We prepare ourselves to write the next chapter of our lives, and we are determined to make the story line fabulous. All too often, though, our notebooks gets dusty as we ditch our good intentions and lose sight of what we truly want. Then we find ourselves starting over again year after year.

It's time to try something new this year. We can make it the best year ever if we:
  1. refuse to make excuses
  2. stop tolerating the energy drainers in our lives
  3. focus on what we do want rather than on what we don't want
  4. listen to our hearts
  5. become champions for our dreams
  6. do something each day to move us toward our hearts' desires
  7. create habits that become effortless
  8. take baby steps
  9. keep trying UNTIL we get it right
  10. celebrate each small victory


Read Books by Phenomenal Life Coaches