Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Summer Transformation Contest!

Pick one area of your life you would like to change by summer's end. It might be your body, your health, your personality, your environment, your energy level, your parenting skills, your relationships, your finances, your career,your social life, or anything else you might want to transform.
Enter your desired outcome in the comments section of this post, and keep us informed of your progress. If you want to send pictures
of the changes you make throughout the process, email me (, and I will include them in this blog.
At the end of the summer, send in a complete record of your accomplishments. Be creative. You can include pictures, reflections, daily and weekly action steps, drawings,
or whatever best represents the changes you have made.
The top success stories will be featured on my
Personal Transformations website, and the winner will receive
Go to the Summer Transformation Contest page to register
and get more information.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Designing Your Dream Life!

One of the key elements to creating the life of your dreams is to have a clear picture of what you want to achieve. You can't steer your life in a desired direction if you don't have a destination in mind. So where do you start? Try this exercise during the coming week. You'll need some magazines, a notebook, paste, pens, crayons, and/or markers. Pick one area of your life - your body, your health, your career, your finances, your environment, your relationships, your wardrobe, your spirituality, or anything else that matters to you. Label the first page of your notebook with your chosen area. Look through magazines and find pictures that represent the changes you would like to make in this area as your transform your life. Paste these pictures in this section of your notebook, along with any phrases, quotations, questions, or thoughts you might have. When you are finished, write a paragraph painting a word picture of the changes you wish to see in this part of your life. Each day this week, add a bit more to your dream map.

Copyright © 2008 by Holly Cox, L.C. P.C., C.D.C.®

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Savor the Moment!

During my recent trip to Europe, I was amazed at the relaxed atmosphere that was present everywhere I went. Stores closed at lunch so the shopkeepers could go home and eat with their families. People strolled through the streets enjoying the sights. Conversation, laughter, and camaraderie prevailed. The contrast to life in the United States was painfully apparent.

In America, we seem to be perpetually racing from one thing to another - chasing happiness, fulfillment, and joy. These qualities often appear to be just a tad out of our reach, and so the endless cycle keeps repeating itself. We put off vacations because we're too busy! We work extra hours to save money to enjoy when we retire. We would never dream of closing our stores to go home for lunch. Friends and family get put on hold until we can make time for them. Our own needs get placed on the backburner.

Perhaps we need to take a step back and think about what it is we are actually pursuing so diligently. Making lots of money, achieving more and more, competing with our friends and relatives, and outshining our neighbors can be empty rewards when they cost us time with the very people we love, take a toll on our health, disconnect us from our surroundings, and leave us feeling drained. When we learn to savor each moment, we bring the very happiness we are searching for into our daily lives!

If you want to create joy and happiness for yourself in the present moment, as well as in the future, begin to ask yourself the following questions. Let your own answers guide you.
  1. What makes me happy?

  2. How can I experience more happiness right now in my life?

  3. What's missing for me as I go through my days/weeks/years?

  4. What drains me of joy, energy, and happiness?

  5. How can I eliminate some of these things starting today?

  6. In what areas do I need to give myself some slack?

  7. What is one experience I want to enjoy to the fullest today?

  8. If I were to do something special for myself, what would it be?

  9. Who do I want to spend more time with?

Copyright © 2008 by Holly Cox, L.C.P.C., C.D.C.®

Friday, May 2, 2008

Take Charge of Your Life!

For years, I found myself floating along life's path with little or no sense of the direction it was taking me. Each day blended into the next one, and I reacted to whatever came my way. On a Kairos retreat several years ago, I had the opportunity to walk a labyrinth. At first glance, it seemed fairly simple. I couldn't get lost since I wasn't in a maze. I had to just keep walking the path until I reached the end. Half way through, I started to cry; however, at first I had no idea what the sadness welling up within me was really about. Upon reflection, I realized I was wandering through my life the same way I was wandering through the labryinth, going where the path took me and waiting to reach the end. Just when I felt like I was close to my desired destination, the path would take a turn. Suddenly, I'd be back where I started.

Something slowly shifted in me that day. I was no longer willing to be a passive participant in my own life. When I attended Marcia Wieder's Create Your Future Now workshop in Chicago, I knew that I had found the vehicle to steer my life in a desired direction and help others do so as well.

As a Certified Dream Coach®, constantly focused on moving in the direction of my dreams, I am committed to helping you learn to take charge of your own life. Following Marcia's ten step process, you can begin to set clear intentions, learn to trust yourself, discover your purpose, get really clear about your dreams/desires, deal with the doubting parts of yourself, develop new beliefs that serve you, learn from past setbacks, design projects and strategies that move you closer to your "dream-come-true" life, build a dream team, and ultimately become unstoppable! If you are interested in learning more, check out Personal Transformations or e-mail me at

I was lucky enough to get certified directly by Marcia Wieder. However, after January of 2009, Marcia will no longer be personally leading the Dream Coach® Certification program. If you are interested in learning from this dynamic and successful dreamer and saving $500.00 on the cost of training, click this link to Dream Coach® University. Don't delay. Marcia is only offering the discount until May 15th.


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