Saturday, April 5, 2008

Take a Lesson from the White Peacock!

I just had the privilege of taking a trip to Italy, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland as a chaperone for a group of 36 high school students. I can't begin to put into words the awe I felt at the majesty and beauty our world has to offer. We take so much for granted! One of the highlights of our "Chocolates and Cappuccino" adventure was seeing the white peacocks on Isola Bella, where the Borromean Palazzo is located. These exquisite birds don't hide their heads in shame at their lack of jewel-like colors. They don't spend time agonizing over possible flaws. They don't seem to wonder about what the spectators are thinking of them. They don't waste time on comparisons. Instead, they "strut their stuff" with pride, and the results are breathtaking! Let's learn from these magnificent birds and do the same!

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